Note that we can no longer do burn permits by text , so it is easiest for you (and for us) if you get them here:
You do not need to print and sign the permit as long as you have it on your phone by either:
keeping the web page open
taking a screenshot
having it in your email
You also do not need to call the burn line if you get the permit online. The state sends us a notification
Brooklin Town Wildfire Warden
Click here to get a permit quickly and easily for free
Note that we can no longer issue permits by phone nor text,
we will need your signature in person if you contact one of the following for a permit:
Name Title Phone Usual Daytime location
Peter Gray Fire Warden 610-3791 yard office at Hammond Lumber in Blue Hill or Ellsworth
Jerry Gray Deputy Fire Warden 460-0896 various job sites around Brooklin
Scott Holden Deputy Fire Warden 479-1355 various job sites in and out of Brooklin
Tommy Morris Deputy Fire Warden 272-3360 North Brooklin
Click here to check the fire danger in Zone 11
You may only burn on days when the fire danger is low or moderate in Zone 11. The fire danger is updated at 9:00 AM each day
You may not burn if winds or wind gusts will be more than 10 miles per hour at any time during your burn
The fire chief and fire warden may choose to not allow burns at other times regardless of the state fire danger​
The ONLY permissible burns in Brooklin WITH a permit are:
Recreational campfires kindled when the ground is not covered by snow
Burning for agricultural purposes, which include but are not limited to open burning of blueberry fields, potato tops, and hay fields and prescribed burning for timberland management
Out-of-door burning of wood wastes and unpainted wood from demolition debris in the open. Acceptable wood wastes are:
wood chips
Open burning of leaves, brush, deadwood and tree cuttings accrued from normal property maintenance by the individual landowner or lessee of the land
You must have on hand at all times the tools, water and personnel that are checked off on your permit. Hand tools are a steel rake and shovel.
You must have at least one person present per burn pile. Do not leave any burn pile unattended at any time
You must leave a message on our Burn Line each time you are about to begin a burn
Call 619-BFD0 (619-2330) and state:
The name on the permit
The street address/private road that provides the nearest vehicle access to the burn
The time you are starting and the time that you expect to finish the burn
A phone number where you can be reached during the burn
Burn Tips​
Never burn on windy days
Keep your fire reasonably small, no larger than you can control should problems arise
All burning permits are valid only during class 1 or 2 days (low-moderate)
​the permittee is responsible to verify the class day by visiting www.maineforestservice.org before burning
Avoid burning near buildings
Check weather conditions prior to any open burning
Burn only legal materials. If unsure, check with your local fire officials or Maine Forest Service Ranger
Attend to all fires until they are completely out. Make sure your fire has not burned deep into the ground​
Campfires and Fire Pits
​Campfires and fire pits are only permissible on your own property or with written permission from the land owner
Any campfire or fire pit more than 2 or 3 feet in diameter or with flames higher than 3 feet from the ground requires a burn permit
Any burn material other than standard camp logs requires a burn permit
Campfires and fire pits on most public lands (including islands) require a burn permit from the Maine Forest Service
Build campfires and fire pits away from overhanging branches, steep slopes, rotten stumps, logs, dry grass and leaves
Shore-front campfires should be built below the high tide line
Surround your fire with rocks and build on a 10 foot-diameter circle of mineral soil
Keep plenty of water handy and have a shovel available for throwing dirt on the fire if it gets out of control
Start with dry twigs and small sticks, add larger sticks as the fire builds up
Put the largest pieces of wood on last, pointing them toward the center of the fire, gradually pushing them into the flames
Keep your fire small
Never leave your campfire or fire pit unattended
Drown your fire with water, making sure all embers, coals and sticks are wet. Move rocks-there may be burning embers underneath
Stir the remains, add more water, and stir again
Feel the materials with your bare hands